Next stop (last summer, after Utah) = Colorado! Robyn was interested in climbing more mountains, specifically Colorado 14ers, and we are always up for that. We managed to string a few fun adventures together, as you might expect.
Seen during a run in Leadville, in the lead-up to the Leadville 100 race:
It was also a Summer Olympics year and a local mountain biker (presumably) appears to be inspired:
First 14er was Mount Massive, the 2nd highest in Colorado. John and I were getting our stuff together around the corner when Robyn came across this guy having a bit of trouble. Wish I could remember his name... Robyn went over to inquire and it turned out he had accidentally sprayed himself with bear spray. Major yikes!! She helped him rinse off his face the best they could. Dude was in amazingly good spirits despite the mishap, even posing with us for our trailhead selfie:
It was a beautiful day for a hike in the mountains:
Another grouse, I think, probably not the same one I just saw in Utah:
It is a rather massive mountain:
Mountain goats! Quick, get a picture...
They didn't seem to be in any hurry, just ambling around:
And climbing on rocks, and if I were a better photographer you'd be able to see the adorable baby goat almost hiding behind the boulder:
Working our way up to the ridge:
It's sort of a trail... I've certainly seen worse summit approaches:
So many more places we can explore!
Yay for climbing peaks with Robyn!
I love that people have been making and leaving these signs in recent years, makes for fun pictures:
More goats -- and a better baby picture:
In the middle of a most excellent day:
Hey, it's bear spray guy, and he didn't give up on his hike! I might have gone home at that point, but he stuck to it and looked a whole lot better when we met up with him again. I believe he's taking a picture of me taking a picture of him:
Taking a picture of Robyn taking a picture of flowers (our "summer of flowers" continued into Colorado, yay!)
Admiring the reservoir and mountains around Leadville to the north:
John getting in some trail work, with an assist from Robyn - thank you both!
I *think* this is the buff that Robyn used to help Bear Spray Guy, and we will be very careful with that thing:
Fun start to our 2024 Colorado Time!