Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Birding part 2

More photos from our amazing birding trip!

Mom and I had such a fun week and it's hard to believe that it's over already. I've never seen so many new (to me) birds in my life and may never again. Especially if Bryan's not around to tell me what I'm looking at.

Here we were looking at the camera :)

I got a chance to play around with taking photos through a scope - it turns my little camera into a megazoom. One of my first attempts, looking at a couple of gulls (possibly Laughing Gulls?):

A better shot without the dark corners of the scope in the image - this time of a Black Bellied Plover (the bird in the back) and a couple of Dowitchers - at least I think that's what Bryan said :)

Bryan stalking a Red Knot:

I didn't know what this was when we saw it (and it made a pink bubble with its throat - cool!) but now I think it's an Anole:

Here's a Texas special - we called it a "TV", I'll leave the ID for anyone who wants to figure it out for themselves:

Hanging out watching the water drip area that attracted thirsty, tired birds that had just crossed the Gulf:

Bryan doing his stuff - fantastic teaching, answering questions, identifying birds, and helping us all become better birders (or in my case, a birder):

Cormorants at the Rookery:

Great Egrets (white) and Roseate Spoonbills (pink) at the Rookery:

Roadside birding:

Bench birding:

2 cents to everyone who figures out what's wrong with this sign:

It's a turtle?

One of many, many Scarlet Tanagers - beautiful, colorful birds!

Mom got to ride the Goldwing with Jerry - maybe almost as big a thrill as seeing Painted Buntings for the first time!

Group shot on our final night - what a wonderful bunch of folks! Thank you all for making me feel welcome and not a dumb beginner!

A link to Bryan's blog and some gorgeous photos:

Thanks again, Bryan!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Problem with the plaque: The birds migrate in the wrong direction.