Sunday, March 15, 2015

Kayla's visit to San Francisco - part 2

We were excited to finally get to take a tour of Alcatraz after looking at the island from almost every direction in recent months.  Check out the ferry solar:

The gull seems to like it:

First stop at Alcatraz - picking up our prison garb:

Then time for a shower:

The self-guided audio tour was excellent, taking us all through the cells and describing various events over the years:

Not the Hilton, or any other hotel for that matter:

Al Capone and friends:

D block and the isolation cells:

A view back toward civilization:

A few guillemots hanging out:

Angel Island to the north:

An art installation by Ai Weiwei, made of legos and relating to freedom of expression and human rights:

Beautiful dragon by Ai Weiwei:

Back on the mainland, taking a fun drive down Lombard Street (the curvy part):

Kayla found these interesting mosaic steps, south of Golden Gate Park - nice!

Good view toward the Pacific, although some low clouds reduced out ability to see it:

Pretty tiles:

At the deYoung museum, always love a Claes Oldenburg piece:

Apples on the lawn:

Nice Remington:

And a good view of Golden Gate Park from the top of the museum tower, that was pretty cool:

John enjoying Haight-Ashbury:

We got a quick peak at the Cable Car Museum but it closed earlier than expected.  At least we got to see the big wheels spinning and the cables flying through:

Cable car traffic:

Kip hosted us on a "morning at Google", including a walk across the Google Gate Bridge:

Pretty lawn:

Yay for Google!  Thanks Kip!  :)

It was an excellent few days, thank y'all for visiting!

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