Thursday, March 13, 2014

South Carolina high point

First off, I have to rave about the Keowee-Toxaway State Park and our beautiful RV site on the top of the hill overlooking the woods and down to the lake.  It's a lovely spot, very quiet, with nice trails to run on.  The beautiful weather was a big bonus.

From there it was a short drive to the highest spot in South Carolina, Sassafras Mountain.  I was ready for a bit longer hike but let's not get crazy about it (yet), so we parked partway up the road to the top and took the Foothills Trail for 2.5 miles up.  Nice trail!  It would be neat to try traveling more of its 77 miles sometime.  Along with another warm sunny day and a leg that was cooperating, we were happy campers.

Taking the Big Dog (shirt) up the mountain:

Awesome trail:

John taking his stick for a walk through the rhododendrons:

Rock hat:

At the top!

More highpoint photos:

One of the photos that didn't make the webpage:

Yoga on a rock:

Checking out the map for the Foothills Trail:

Two feet in South Carolina, two in North Carolina, near the top of the mountain:

John cleared a lot of little twigs and couldn't help himself with one big one:

Riding a log (slowly...):

Take that, log!

Thank you John!

One last view of the beautiful trail:

A well-deserved rest for John  :)

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