A beautiful trail on a pretty morning (and the guy ain't half-bad either):

Looking back toward Redcloud Peak:

That's Handies behind me:

Nice marmot:

Looking up at our goal:

Checking out Uncompahgre Peak in the distance - we have heard it's a really interesting climb:

Starting up the last climb toward the small snowfields. There isn't much snow this year, so this section should be pretty straightforward coming down at night:

We made it - our third 14er in one day! We hung out at the top (after meeting a family with a 5-year old girl who made the whole climb!), and then the trail-marking party appeared from the other side. Awesome!

Andy taking a self-portrait:

Nicholas, Jack, and John:

Such a fun group!

Jim and Andy taking off back toward Grouse Gulch - we were hoping to catch a ride with them, so we got going down the hill too. In the background is American Basin.

What a neat adventure! I think we deserved those cookie/brownie treats from the local bakery.
The next couple of days involved laundry, gear sorting, and shorter workouts, so I'll be back later when I have more photos. Until then!
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