Our friends Deb and Steve Pero - she was next on the wait list and *really* wanted to run. At the last minute (when it was clear that all the other runners were present and accounted for), Steve dropped from the race so she could run. Very emotional!!

(If another wait listed runner wasn't obviously watching closely and also ready to run, John may have done the same for me - but I was further down the wait list and it wasn't likely to have worked. Glad one husband got to give such a gift to his wife!)
A gym full of pre-race runners and crew:

John showing someone that yes, he was going to run, regardless of his current set of clothing:

At 4 minutes to go, he decided it was time to shed the jeans:

3 minutes to go, taking off the sweatshirt:

2 minutes to go:

1 minute to go - time for a quick stop in the bathroom:

Luckily my watch was 1 minute faster than the official clock. Here is the actual "one minute to go" shot:

And... go!

He's moving so fast, he's blurry:

On their way out of Silverton:

Is that a Ducky on the trail?

A trail marker in the early morning light:

The leaders crossing the road - I believe Karl Meltzer somewhat hidden and then Scott Jaime?

The leaders crossing the creek:

Go John!

He's easy to spot when he wears a red shirt (thanks John!):

Marty and his son Nicholas:

Andy from Australia:

John Sharp, one of many runners who shook Steve Pero's hand when they saw him by the road:

Go Rick!

Here's our hero:

A nice morning for a run! In fact, the Kamm Traverse is on the slope that's in the sun in the background:

Rockfall on the drive to Ouray (not long after, I saw a plow headed in that direction):

Well, that was a lot of photos, but it will likely be my last post during the race so I tried to make it count :)
John's doing great - his time at the first aid station is very close to his time in 2008 and he's hoping to be more prepared for the climb up Oscar's this year. I'll see him in Telluride (yay!) and then join him in Ouray. Should be a long, interesting, fun, exciting, possibly wet night - my first time actually "in" the race. Sweet!
Go John Go (and Marcy)
Darn! Missed you guys in Ouray by 10 minutes. You are fast fast fast John!!! Sorry I missed you Marcy....Run strong.
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