Our ranger, Geology Joel, was so enthusiastic, entertaining, and enlightening - made us laugh for 3 hours:

Look, a scary predator!

Starting our hike, through a little bridge:

Joel wasn't above getting his hands dirty to tell a story:

He was also something of a thespian:

Coming through a narrower section of rocks:

Fun times!

Up in the air, Junior Birdman...

Single file everyone!

A view to the sky:

Neat rocks:

Making our way over another obstacle:

In line for a maneuver that included a "Fiery Furnace Shuffle":

More fun rock clambering:

Hey hey, we're the Monkees...

Synchronized shuffling:

When you take photos coming up behind someone, you tend to get a lot of butt shots:

One giant leap for John:

Guess who was playing with the camera:

Distant scenery:

A view of Surprise Arch - not easy to get a better vantage point, but it was really cool:

Yay for the Fiery Furnace Tour! Thank you, Joel!!

That seemed to wear John out a little, so he took a nap while we drove down a bumpy road:

Turret Arch:

Bob in the North Window:

Yoga on the Rocks:

An attempt at Yoga on the Rocks (and a failed attempt to fully capture it on film):

Balanced Rock and my new desert hat:

Now we're streaming Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner from NetFlix - it looks just like here!
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