After our backpacking adventure, we had a couple days to play around in the Bishop area. I love the Crowley Lake columns so I trekked on over to see their status.
They weren't as submerged as last time:
These shapes always amuse me:
Not sure why the water was green...
An inner-column perspective:
Seen on the way back - it's the silly things that make me laugh sometimes:
John drove up into the White Mountains to the east for his own adventure:
Geology rocks!
Bristlecone pines are also awesome!
What a pretty area:
Thanks for the bristlecone pictures, John!
On the move again, with a refueling stop at the new Rivian charger in Lee Vining - yay for this much-needed fast charger location, complete with a trailer-accessible spot!
Bird on the Tug-E:
From our overnight spot I trekked over to Mono Lake for a closer look at all the little rocks peeking above the surface:
Yo! It's Yosemite time, one of our favorite times. We paused near the top of the pass for a short hike to admire some scenery:
A lovely location for a tree:
Now this is a wall:
Happy to be back in the high country:
Also the waterfall country, in Yosemite Valley:
Someday we'll get here in the spring when these are really thundering, but for now they are still very pretty:
Half Dome from the valley floor:
While I was roaming around in the valley (probably charging up the truck), John hiked up to the south rim to explore some new (to us) trails. Yep, it's beautiful up there too:
The scale is difficult to capture...
A rock crevasse?
This is a great area to roam around, I should get up there sometime:
John's view to the west:
And John's take on Half Dome:
More Yosemite to come!