It was a most beautiful day to be outside! After several days of clouds, rain, wind, and snow (up high only, thank goodness), we were happy to see a bright blue sky this morning. There was obviously fresh snow up on Mt Yale, so we weren't sure how that would affect our climb. It actually turned out nicely - the new snow had good consistency, made it easier to climb in some places, and didn't bother us in the least.
The trail leading toward the peak was also nice:

John making a non-standard creek crossing:

The way I had come across:

This snowfield made for a couple excellent photos - we especially like this one:

Taking pictures at the top:

Me and a guy we met from Pennsylvania:
Yay for Yale!

Tomorrow we're on our way west, aiming for Lake City and the San Juan Solstice 50-mile race. Internet availability will be much more spotty for a while, so bear with us :)
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