Many rivers around here are in flood stage (lots of snow melt pouring down from the hills). A couple rafting companies are still taking trips, although starting lower than normal - and lower than the above photo. This raft put in here, moved slowly past the eddy line and then shot on down the river at high speed:

It's a beautiful stretch of I-70 with high cliffs along the sides:

High river - nearing the railroad tracks, actually (and you can see my reflection in both mirrors):

We stopped by Solar Energy International in Carbondale, and noticed a lot of solar panels in the town:

Around to Aspen to walk around town and check out the public art:

Is this the proper reaction when you meet a bear?

We climbed up the Ute Trail for a great view of the town:

Running back down:
Aspen trees on the way up to Independence Pass:

Looking back toward the way we came, almost to the pass:

We stopped at the top for a (cold) look around. Looks like the tundra isn't the only thing that's fragile around here:

Not quite sure how we're supposed to stay on THIS trail:

A view toward the east:

Looking back toward the parking area:

Mountain man:

And finally, a pretty view of Twin Lakes and the area of Hope Pass (from the Leadville 100 race):

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