Moose near the road! I never saw a moose when I was growing up in Vermont, but now there are plenty of them around.

And bears! Oh my.

We stopped at a place called the Dog Chapel - very interesting!

Renee and John in the dog door at the chapel:

Will give blood for movie tickets (a genius idea):

John messing around with his blood donor paraphernalia:

Renee is a cool dog:

Vermont sightseeing is yummy!

We spent some time on the Long Trail this week, including climbing Camel's Hump near Waterbury. Luckily we had good weather for a couple days. Nothing like the Long Trail to make me feel like a slooooow trail runner. NOT an easy trail to move quickly along (rocks, roots, mud, lots of fun).
View from Camel's Hump:

It was a bit windy:

Backside view of the mountain:

John was a little worn out afterwards:

Another Long Trail day, enjoying a Nature Valley Dark Chocolate & Nut bar (our new favorite snack):

Another way to the top!

We're flying back to Phoenix tomorrow and heading up to Mesa Verde for a couple days. Internet access TBD...
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