I'm pleasantly surprised to find excellent Sprint card access at my parent's house in Waterbury. No excuse for not catching up on some blogging - well, except that we've been on the go, keeping everyone busy, even getting in a bit of running training.
We started with a driving tour to the Maine coast - Kip and I haven't been since we were wee ones. First stop... Camden, ME.
Renee enjoying an apple core in the van:

Quaint little downtown (there were restaurants with excellent seafood of all types!):

We took a short trip on a sailboat and John got to help set up the sails and rigging:

Renee was a hit with the kids:

A nearby lighthouse:

Sea dog:

Sea dog:

The Maine coast (which was surprisingly hard to find - the main travel roads mostly stay inland because of the peninsular topography) and John doing ... something:

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